The Development project which was done during May to November 2021.This project conducted within my constituency Kigamboni in Dare Es Salaam Region,Tanzania.
The issue identified was importance of facilitating and empowering women to attains their equal rights within the community.

The objectives/Intensions of the project were as follows
1. To advocacy for women rights around the community
2. Raising awareness and increase understanding of the importance of fighting against discrimination for women in the community
3. To provide free legal aid on matters involved rights of women in the community
The project involved the following activities
1.We conducted meeting with women in the community and teach them their legal rights on matters concerning women.
2. We provided free legal aid on matters involved women rights within the community.

Volunteers\Core team
Our team involved five people including one advocate.The name of the team were Mwanaisha Mndeme,Omary Ngatanda,Rahima Bilabimu,Mustafa Nuru and Prisca Ombeni.The team is also members of the Law firm called O AND M ASSOCIATES ADVOCATES which is also located at Kigamboni Constituency.
Stake holders for this project were ,women and local government leaders.We worked together with local government leaders where by they were the ones who prepared meeting and gathered women in their areas so that we were able to deliver what we were prepared.

We were able to reach three district within the Kigamboni Constituency which are Vijibweni District where we were able to meet 38 women,Kibada District we met 33 women and Magogoni District we got a challenge of gathering women and met only 21 women which made total of 92 women,and those were beneciaries of this project. During this project women whom we met were able to know and be aware with their rights,their rights of participation in development,the importance of participating in decision making body such as local government council and constituency so as to have representative who would push forward the agenda of women rights. Also we taught them about marriage and land rights and we gave them the chances to ask any question concerning rights and laws,and gave them back clearance. Conclusion; This project had an impacts for women and community in general.The project helped women to know their legal rights concerned the matters involved them.This project will continue even after the end of this programme so as to reach more women around the society.

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